Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 of Springfield, Vt., feel they are becoming a very popular fraternity in their town.  Reason being, the new members feel they are joining it because this Lodge is so committed to helping their community, whether it be youth activities, Verterans affairs or senior citizens.  These are very important causes in our town and the “Elks Care Elks Share” motto is always coming up with new causes.
     Shown Frt. L to r; Are the latest new members initiated into their Lodge with sponsors, Nick Page (N), Breanna Madison (N), Ronald Freeman (N), ER Jim Morse, Nicole Rodgues (N), Brenda Nadeau (N), and PER Vicki Siliski.  Back row; Tom Snide (S), Ty Madison (N), Gloria Gunn (S), Craig Kemp (S), Dean Kemp (N), Bradley Derosia (N), Jessica Corliss (S) and Reggie Paige (S).
News item submitted by Mike Gunn