Barre Lodge makes use of a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation

Barre Elks Lodge #1535 was the recipient of a $2000 Beacon Grant from Elks National Foundation.  Beacon Grants offer Lodges the opportunity to develop an ongoing, charitable, Elks-led community project.
Barre Lodge chose to work with the Veterans’ Place in Northfield to help meet and fulfill the needs of the Veterans it serves.  The Veterans’ Place is a transitional housing facility combined with assistive services for Homeless Veterans in Central Vermont. Their goal is to help Homeless Veterans transition from the homeless population. The purpose of the Veterans’ Place is to help Vermont’s Homeless Veterans by providing desperately needed resources in an all-in-one locale so these Veterans may regain their PRIDE, reach their full potential, and once again become contributing members of society.
Lodge members purchased essential items needed by Veterans transitioning from the Veterans’ Place into their own apartment.  Sheets, pillows, pillowcases, hangers, bath mats, toiletries, towels, extension cords, glasses, cleaning supplies and many other items were packaged into “welcome home” kits.  Each Veteran transitioning from the Veterans’ Place will be able to use items from their kit to set up their new home.
Back row:  Residents/Veterans Bob Shaw, Alan Peterson, Tony Dragon.  Front Row:  Resident/Veteran Rich Burbank, Barre Elks Lodge PR Chair Kristin Calcagni, DDGER North Granville “Chip” Paine and Resident/Veteran Thomas Quintin.
 Barre Elks Lodge members Cindy Wedding and Mary Whalen organize the “Welcome Home” kits.
 Barre Elks Lodge member Cindy Wedding adds an American Flag to a “Welcome Home” kit.
 Barre Elks Lodge members with “Welcome Home” kits for Veterans of the Veteran’s Place in Northfield, VT.  From L to R:  PR Chair Kristin Calcagni, Alyson Codling, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Ike Chase, Mary Whalen and Paul Gagne.