Barre Elks Lodge recently visited Project Independence

Members and friends of Barre Elks Lodge recently visited Project Independence and presented them with a check for $450 to purchase a seated chair scale for their participants.
Project Independence is Vermont’s oldest Adult Day service for frail elders and young adults with disabilities.  Their mission is to provide adults an opportunity to get out of the house, receive both mental and social stimulation and give caregivers a much needed break in which to attend to personal needs or simply rest and relax.
Each participant is given a health assessment at the time of admission. The Center’s nurses work with the individuals, their families and physicians to develop a nursing care plan tailored to each person’s diet, exercise, activity, medication and therapy needs.
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From L to R:  Lodge member Raegan Pembroke, PI Executive Director Dee Rollins, Teresa Paine, PI LNA Tammy Mattote, Participant Ralph Dell, Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, Lodge member Mary Whalen, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni
PI donation
Lecturing Knight Donna Bartolucci, PI Executive Director Dee Rollins, Loyal Knight Kristin Calcagni, Lodge member Raegan Pembroke, Teresa Paine and Lodge member Mary Whalen